The video presents the project and two successful cases in the integration of Peers and networking: C-Buddy (Belgium) and AMOC (Netherlands), highlighting the advantages of cooperation between different actors – Peers, health professionals and social area, users, Law enforcement, Academy, among others.

The video presents the project and two successful cases in the integration of Peers and networking: C-Buddy (Belgium) and AMOC (Netherlands), highlighting the advantages of cooperation between different actors – Peers, health professionals and social area, users, Law enforcement, Academy, among others.

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The video aims to alert to the importance of integrating Peer Educators into proximity teams with People Who Use Drugs.

The video presents the project and two successful cases in the integration of Peers and networking: C-Buddy (Belgium) and AMOC (Netherlands), highlighting the advantages of cooperation between different actors – Peers, health professionals and social area, users, Law enforcement, Academy, among others.

The Peer2Peer project, co-financed by the European Union Justice Programme, aims to strengthen the response capacity of civil society organisations working closely with People Who Use Drugs, recovering and improving European partnerships in cooperation between peers and professionals, proximity team technicians, small-scale traffickers and law enforcement officers. Thus, this project encompasses internationally recognized European research, social intervention and advocacy institutions to increase the project’s impact.

The activities of the project promote practices and transferable methods for the integration of Peer Educators in street teams, in order to promote locally adapted pilot interventions in Lithuania, Poland and Greece.

Watch the video here: