On this November 30th, why donate to APDES?

On this November 30th, why donate to APDES?

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APDES works with populations ignored by solidarity campaigns.

Stigma is a social brand. It can be a physical characteristic, a behaviour, a choice that marks a difference from what people think that “normality” is.

The difference segregates, excludes, makes invisible, isolates, distances and denies rights. 

People who use drugs, sex workers, incarcerated people, homeless people, people living with HIV/AIDS, people in long-term unemployment, children and young people in residential care and autonomy of life are the populations with whom we work and who live daily with the mistreatment of social exclusion,

It’s as if this difference is so unbearable that people choose not to look at it, in the desire for it to become invisible. But behind the difference there are people who live daily with the weight of stigma under their shoulders, who distance themselves from perverse looks, from insulting conversations, from mistreatment and abuse.

If this stigma is part of the lives of the people we work with, it also ends up being part of our work.

Our services are permanent, but the financing mechanisms are not sufficient to maintain their operation. 

We often follow our work having discovered essential costs to maintain our human resources and the needs of our projects (rentals; equipment; water, electicity and internet bills).


Individual donations are very important for the continuity of our work. 

They guarantee:

An intervention based on close contact with our people, with projects aimed at their realities, on joint initiatives to defend rights and an ethical and careful investigation into phenomena.


With your donation, we can guarantee:

Psychosocial support, treatment and screening for diseases.
Work to combat and eradicate diseases such as Tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS.
The social reintegration of people by valuing employment, rebuilding family ties and developing personal and social skills.
Creating innovative responses to the populations we support..
We can also ensure that support is a right of all, that stigma is a face of social exclusion that is being tackled by the defence of rights and awareness-raising campaigns, and that, after all, we are always closer than we imagine.

Make your donation  here or, if you have any questions or want to chat, email info@apdes.pt or contact us by telephone +351 967 304 029.