The Youth Moving project aims to reinforce the participation of young people in autonomy in European democratic life, empowering them
The main objective of the “Time In: Parentalidade Positiva em Casas de Acolhimento” project is to train and sensitize technical,
The project “Work in Progress” – promote the successful social and professional pathways in youngsters in process of autonomy –
Chapéu-de-Chuva’s main goal is the promotion of mental health of children, from 6 to 11, who live in foster care
The “Tudo aos Direitos” project is co-funded by the EEA Grants, in the ambit of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation initiative
This project aims to improve the autonomy of foster children and teenagers from three Member-States: Portugal, Bulgaria and Croatia. Hence,
“Promoting the Effective Elimination of Corporal Punhisment Against Children” The Hands Up project is part of a European consortium headed
The Health Intervention Department (GIS – Gabinete de Intervenção em Saúde) is composed of a team of psychologists that aim
The project “Envelhecer a Crescer” was destined to elderly residents of nursing homes and day care centres and its main
ComTACTO is aimed at teenagers (12 to 18 years old) who reside in foster care institutions and its main goal