- Since: 2016
- Contact: info@apdes.pt
The main goal of Allcool is the reduction of risks associated with alcohol use among youngsters in a less favourable sociodemographic situation and young adults with higher education qualifications who are currently unemployed – all from southern Europe. This way, the project aims to raise the communities’ awareness of the episodes of binge drinking, provide information on the risks associated with binge drinking and safer use patterns and to develop a good practices guide for social, education and healthcare workers, in order to establish adequate measures. Allcool is part of a consortium of European countries, funded by the European Commission.
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European Policy Recommendations (ENG)
National Policy Recommendations (ENG)
Deliverable 1.1 – kick-off meeting minute (ENG)
Deliverable 1.2 – project meeting report (ENG)
Deliverable 1.3 – second project meeting report ENG)
Deliverable 2.2 – evaluation intermediate report (ENG)
Deliverable 3.1 – logo and visual identity manual (ENG)
Deliverable 3.2 – communication plan (ENG)
Deliverable 3.3 – website and social media (ENG)
Deliverable 4.1 – research desktop guideline (ENG)
Deliverable 4.3 – research final report (ENG)