- Since: 2006
- Contact:
The CHECK!N project’s main goal is to promote the health and safety of party-goers, namely the users of psychoactive substances.
CHECK!N builds info stands at parties (bars, discos, students parties) where party-goers can get information about psychoactive substances and sexual practices, condoms, ear plugs, snorting kits, breathalysers and drug checking tests. Simultaneously, this project also provides online information (website, blog, Facebook, email, etc.). In order to continue the outreach work, the project works alongside several community partners (universities, schools, youth associations, town halls, parish councils, etc.).
The team initiated its work in the metropolitan area of Porto, but then expanded its intervention to Viseu, Lisbon and several summer festivals in Portugal.
The CHECK!N project was awarded with the European Drug Prevention Prize 2014 by the Pompidou Group.
Promotional video about Check!n drug checking servives (PT Version)
Promotional video about Check!n drug checking servives (Italian Version)
Promotional video “Usa o teu Tubo” (PT)
Report “Safer Nightlife Projects” (ENG)
Manual “Peer Education in Nightlife Settings”
Article “Drug testing in Europe: monitoring results of the T.E.D.I. project”