• Since: 2009 - 2013
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The CHECK!NG project allows illegal substances users to analyse psychoactive substances (drug checking). These analyses are carried out in situ, at parties and festivals.

CHECK!NG also provides a weekly drop-in service at APDES, where users can analyse their substances. This project (pioneer in Portugal) aims to draw the illegal drugs users’ attention to the risks of adulteration and to promote more responsible attitudes towards drugs use. In this sense, it enables the detection of potentially lethal substances or adulterants in the market.

CHECK!NG also carries out a monitoring process of the black market, to detect new substances and market trends. In order to expand its monitoring range, CHECK!NG became a member of the Steering Committee of the European work group T.E.D.I. (Trans European Drug Information) – European Project NEWIP ( T.E.D.I. also possesses a database where all the results of all the analyses carried out by European drug checking projects are stored.

Between 2009 and 2013, CHECK!NG was funded by the Portuguese High Commissioner for Health.






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Factsheet on Drug Checking in Europe

Manual “Recomendações sobre Novas Substâncias Psicoativas” (PT)

Manual “Drug Checking Consultation and Counselling Guidelines”

Article “Check!ng: A Última Fronteira para a Redução de Riscos em Contextos Festivos” (PT)