“Citizenship and Human Rights Education”
- Duration: 2014 - 2017
- Contact: info@apdes.pt
This project, promoted by APDES and SINPROF, aims to raise the students’ awareness of Human Rights. The promotion of citizenship, Human Rights and active participation were the basis for the following activities:
- weekly group sessions and sessions open to the community;
- consulting actions/teachers’ training;
- establishment of a General Assembly of Students, a space for discussion and dialogue, where the children can actively participate in the community affairs, as well as of the “Children Ombudsman”, who will participate in the Neighbourhood Committee.
These interventions will be developed in Viana, Luanda.
The main goal of the project is to favour the exercise of citizenship and expand it to the children’s other life dimensions, thus turning them into active and responsible adults/citizens.
This project was supported by RECI, part of FCT’s network of E&D research units.
The project is co-financed by the European Union and the Camões IP: “The EU in Angola: Investing in People, Prosperity and Peace”.
Manual to elementary school teachers – Citizenship and Human Rights Education (PT)
Results of the intervention among the parents of the children who participated in the program (PT)
Results of the evaluation of the program’s result (PT)
Journal ESC- Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, academic journal with scientific arbitration, published by the Center for Educational Research and Intervention (CIIE) of the University of Porto: https://apdes.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/ESC50_Maria_etal.pdf