CIVACT – Promoting Civic Engagement
- Desde: 2018
- Contacto:
The CIVACT project focuses on empowering and encouraging the participation in their community of a sample of youth (aged 16-25) with migration background and/or who are at risk of social exclusion from five different urban areas: Hamburg (DE), Palermo (IT), London (UK), Gothenburg (SE), and Porto (PT).
This project comprehends five partners – Lawaerz Stiftung (DE), Bond of Union (IT), Mapping for Change (UK), Goteborgs Stad (SE) and APDES (PT) – and is funded by the European Comission.
CIVACT has four specific objectives:
- To promote the participation of hard-to-reach youths in their community through the development of new tools and participatory methodologies;
- To provide youth workers with new operational supporting tools for their activities with hard-to-reach groups;
- To provide local actors responsible for district management with understanding about participatory methods to engage young people in the creation of proposals for the improvement of their neighbourhoods.
- To create a network of organizations and local stakeholders adopting/testing the CIVACT Intellectual Outputs.