EDPI – European Drug Policy Initiative

EDPI – European Drug Policy Initiative

  • Since: 2010
  • Contact: info@apdes.pt

The European Drug Policy Initiative (EDPI) is a project by the Hungarian NGO Civil Liberties Union (HCLU), developed in cooperation with several workers from that field of knowledge and other NGOs from six European countries: Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Serbia.

The main goal of EDPI is to promote a reform to the EU Drug Polices, by providing tools focused on an advocacy strategy, at a national and international level. Amongst other materials, EDPI provides questionnaires, videos about national drug policies and tools for the media. Another goal is to influence the political agenda of the national political parties and decision-making international forums (EU and UN forums).

APDES was the NGO chosen to represent Portugal in this project.

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