Educate, Empower and Engage for Healthy Lives

Educate, Empower and Engage for Healthy Lives

  • Duration: 2013 - 2014
  • Contact:

APDES participated in the “Educate, Empower and Engage for Healthy Lives” project, co-funded by the Youth in Action Programme and promoted by Release and YouthRise.

The main goal of the project was to promote healthier behaviours among youngsters – namely those who are part of more vulnerable communities – through peer education and the adoption of policies that improve their health and well-being.

Each partner carried out peer education training sessions on drug use, sexual health and HIV prevention. The work led to some products: a Guide for Peer Education training, an article on the impact of drug policies in youngsters’ lives and also a document with political recommendations.

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Manual “Delivering Youth-led Peer Education”

Article “Portuguese Drug Law”

Recomendations “On Drug Policies and Services for Young People in Portugal” (ENG)