- Since: 2015
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The Action-Research Group for Alcohol Risks – GIRA – began in 2015, as a result of the outreach work led by the GIRUGaia, GIRUBarcelos and GIRUSetúbal teams. It is a tool designed to address the increasing notion that alcohol has been neglected in terms of Harm Reduction interventions, despite having an undeniable presence in the psychotropic drug use panorama.
GIRA has been designed by APDES’ GIRU teams and Research Department, in order to address these issues; firstly, by diagnosing the alcohol use patterns among Giru’s clients; secondly, by promoting further tailored intervention and thirdly, by developing harm reduction guidelines on alcohol misuse among vulnerable publics.
Strongly based on ideals such as participation, community, empowerment and humanistic pragmatism, GIRA aims to be reflexive at all its levels and to establish relations between the main stakeholders in the field.