- Since: 2013
- Contact: girusetubal@apdes.pt | 925408322
- Address : Travessa das Lobas n°12 Setúbal
The GIRUSetúbal project is a drug user-oriented outreach team, promoted by APDES and co-funded by the SICAD [Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências], in order to intervene in the municipality of Setúbal – from January 2014 to December 2015. This intervention will be focused on the parishes of Nossa Sr.ª da Anunciada, S. Julião, St.ª Maria da Graça and S. Sebastião, and it will be based on the philosophy of Harm Reduction intervention.
These services will provide several services and develop various activities: Needle-Exchange Program, tin foil exchange, referring and monitoring processes, psychosocial support and promotion of the health of those who use psychoactive substances. The main goal is to ensure the protection of the Human Rights of the target-group, on a daily basis.
Promotional video/text from the travelling and collective photography exhibition “O Corpo da Cidade” (PT)