Hands Up

Hands Up

  • Since: 2016
  • Contact: apdes@handsupchildren.org

“Promoting the Effective Elimination of Corporal Punhisment Against Children”

The Hands Up project is part of a European consortium headed by APDES, funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union. The main goal of this project is to promote the adoption of positive techniques and practices of discipline among parents and caregivers, through the cooperation among state agencies and by raising the people’s awareness of the need to eradicate corporal punishment.

This way, the interventions will be carried out with parents, caregivers and social, education and healthcare workers, in order to implement methods of non-violent and positive parenthood. The project also aims to work with all the actors involved in child protection services, including police forces, magistrates and judges. Lastly, it promotes the participation of decision-makers in the development of follow-up instruments at national and European levels.

This project is supported by RECI, part of FCT’s network of E&D research units.

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Ended on 2018.



Portuguese video of the European project Hands Up, co-funded by the European Commission


English video of the European project Hands Up, co-funded by the European Commission


German video of the European project Hands Up, co-funded by the European Commission


Bulgarian video of the European project Hands Up, co-funded by the European Commission

Spanish video of the European project Hands Up, co-funded by the European Commission








Portugal National Assessment Report

European Assessment Report on elimination of corporal punhisment against children

Portugal Nacional Ation Plan 

POWER Parents Trainning Manual

POWER PROfessionals Training Manual

National Policy Dialogue Meeting Report

HandsUP Final Recomendations

Newsletter #1

Newsletter #2

Newsletter #3

Newsletter #4