JUNTOS! Project to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) in the provinces of Luanda and Bié
- Since: September 2020-August 2021
- Contact: info@apdes.pt
Promoted by APDES in partnership with FEC – Fundação Fé e Cooperação – and with the support of INSA – Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge – and Rede Educação para Todos, the Project JUNTOS! aims to contribute to efforts to prevent SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) infection in the provinces of Luanda and Bié and to minimise the impact of the pandemic context on the health of vulnerable populations and also on the community as a whole.
The main activities of the project are:
– Training of 20 Civil Society Organisations to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, from training sessions and the implementation of a contingency plan for each NGO – 10 Ngos working in the health area in Bié (Mwenho, Assojom; AJUSIDA; Esperança e Vida; Cruz Vermelha Angola; Vida Saudável; Fórum da Sociedade Civil; ADAC, Associação de Mulheres das Áreas Rurais and UNACA) and 10 Ngos from the Luanda Education area (members of the Rede EPT Network – Associação Angola de Educação de Adultos; Associação Kassules do Maculosso; Associação de Desempregados de Angola; Associação de Crianças Desfavorecidas de Angola; Associação Nacional Cegos e Amblíopes de Angola; UJIMBULUKA; Rede para a Mulher e Criança; Associação de Escolas Comunitárias; Rede Cuidados na Infância and Mulher Raiz da Vida).
– Training of 20 health professionals and technicians from Bié, taught by the Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge.
– Training of 20 teachers and educators from Luanda.
– Distribution of Personal Protective Equipment to the 20 NGOs (on average per month: 100 masks, 100 fact sheets, 2 bottles of bleach and 1 bottle of alcohol gel to each NGO).
– Awareness-raising actions for the adoption of preventive strategies, promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Health in the community (distribution of leaflets, promotion of programs on Luanda and Bié National Radio and sharing of information through social networks).
– Awareness-raising campaigns for the Educational Community in Luanda Primary Schools that integrate street children (provision of food baskets and basic hygiene products for 30 children who are more socially and economically vulnerable, showing signs of malnutrition; distribution of PPE and bleach to schools).
Co-financed by Camões Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua.