

  • Duration: 2011 - 2013
  • Contact:

The project PrOWfile – developed between 2011 and 2013, funded by the European Commission Leonardo da Vinci Programme and coordinated by APDES – sought to identify the guidelines and key contents for the training of Harm Reduction Outreach Workers.

Through the sharing of experiences about the principles and the profile of Harm Reduction work in Europe, the goal of this project was to create an impact in HR by the development of the professional profile of the HROW. Eleven organisations from different European countries were involved in this initiative: APDES (Portugal), Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo -ABD (Spain), Association Française de Réduction des Risques – ARF (France), Akzept (Germany), Itaca (Italy), De Regenboog Groep (Holland), IHRA (UK), A-klinikkasäätïo (Finland) ROSEA (Sweden), Health and Social Development Foundation (Belgium), Uteseksjonen, Rusmiddeletaten, Olso commune (Norway).

In order to contribute to the progress of the HROW professionalisation, this project involved very important European organisations and networks that work in this field of knowledge, cooperating for the development of a training product (ebook) validated and used for outreach workers’ training programs. This training referential model will now be a tool of national and international activism, for the creation of the professional category of Harm Reduction Outreach Worker.





Manual “Professional Profile of the Outreach Worker in Harm Reduction”