Rede sobre Trabalho Sexual

Rede sobre Trabalho Sexual

  • Since: 2011
  • Contact:

The RTS is formed by the majority of the Portuguese civil society organisations that work directly with sex workers, by scholars and by a group of sex workers, and it currently has more than 20 members.

APDES is one of the founding members of RTS and it organised the first national meeting between sex work outreach teams.

The main goals of RTS are:

  • share good practices, methodologies and knowledge;
  • optimise resources and connect the work of the several elements of the network;
  • promote the debate on the policies that affect sex workers (as well as their rights and duties) between the institutions that operate in the field, sex workers and the several government bodies and decision-makers;
  • develop documents regarding combined decision-making and promotion of good practices (at a national and international level);
  • promote knowledge, as well as the monitoring and evaluation processes of sex work policies in Portugal;
  • promote awareness-raising campaigns, as well as activities to celebrate dates from the sex work agenda.

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Recommendations for the redefinition of the Legal Framework of Sex Work in Portugal