SSEE – Social and Solidarity Economy in Europe
- Since: 2016
- Contact:
The main goal of this project is to affirm the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Europe through Initial Vocational and Educational Training (IVET) curricula innovation. It is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and it aims at a comprehensive training and professional development of younger generations, which integrate alternative socio-economic models in their framework of ideas and attitudes.
Duration: 2 years (Sep. 2016 – Aug. 2018)
2. Develop a common package of IVET training modules on SSE.
3. Advocate for the inclusion of IVET training modules in IVET curricula at European and national levels.
– Local, national and European IVET providers delivering training in economics, management, finances and social subjects.
– Local, national and European SSE organisations.
– Policy and decision-makers at national and European levels.
– Local and national IVET trainees.
First Transnacional Project Meeting Second Transnational Project Meeting
Pilot Training in the Czech Republic Pilot Training in Greece Pilot Training in Bulgaria
Partners agree on the Critiries for define First Multiplier Event in Portugal Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations (SSEO)
ASPECT – Bulgaria
CRIES – Romania
Glafka – Czech Republic
IED – Greece
Solidarius IT – Italy
Technet – Germany
Mapping of opportunities and constraints to affirm SSE in IVET curricula – abstract
Mapping of opportunities and constraints to affirm SSE in IVET curricula – full version
Mapping of opportunities and constraints to affirm SSE in IVET curricula – PowerPoint
Training Module 01 – SSE Values and Principles
Training Module 02 – Democratic Management in the SSE
Training Module 03 – Ethical and Solidarity Finance and Resources