Tudo aos Direitos – Promotion Program of Citizenship and Human Rights
- Duração: 2014 - 2016
- Contacto: gis@apdes.pt
The “Tudo aos Direitos” project is co-funded by the EEA Grants, in the ambit of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation initiative named “Active Citizenship”.
Duration: 18 months – September 2014 to February 2016
Target-population: Youngsters from the age of 12 who live in foster homes in the Porto area.
Main goal:
Promote the citizenship and human rights among these youngsters, thus increasing their participation in the institutions’ affairs; Also, provide new competences and strategies to the technical staff and caregivers, in order to increase their ability to promote the youngsters’ participation. This way, we intend to create a favourable environment for the exercise of citizenship within the organisation and its spreading to other life contexts.
Brief description:
The project has 2 stages: intervention/training and peer education.
The 1st stage of the project comprises weekly group session with youngsters and the training of the technical and teaching staff of different foster homes. Throughout this stage, there will be intersecting moments between the 2 main groups, in order to implement several changes in the institution and promote the youngsters’ notion of their human rights.
The goal of the 2nd stage is to share the experiences and knowledge through peer education – carried out by the youngsters and the technical/teaching staff.
This project was supported by RECI, part of FCT’s network of E&D research units.
Human Rights Video
Manual “Tudo aos Direitos” (PT)