Youth Moving
- Since: November 2021 - October 2023
- Contact: gis@apdes.pt
The Youth Moving project aims to reinforce the participation of young people in autonomy in European democratic life, empowering them as active citizens. To this end, this European project will strengthen the skills of professionals working in the care system, so that they themselves can empower and encourage children and young people to participate actively in society. In this way, Youth Moving seeks to overcome limitations to the active participation of these young people, to provide opportunities for them to express their opinion and to advocate with the main key actors for a system that listens to their voice.
Youth Moving is a project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, promoted by Sirius (HR) in partnership with APDES (PT), CO&SO (IT), FAMO (CZ), Forum za kvalitetno udomitelistvo djece (HR) and DGASPC Harghita (RO).
Sirius – Croatia (Coordinator)
APDES – Portugal
FAMO – Czech Republic
DGASPC Harghita – Romania
CO&SO – Italy
Forum za kvalitetno udomiteljstvo djece – Croatia